How would you rate your current level of productivity on a 1–10 scale? If you’re not quite happy with your answer and looking for a productivity boost, try these 5 tips:
1. Create a productivity playlist.
Much research shows that different types of music can alter your mood and productivity.
- Elizabeth Margulis’s book, On Repeat, says that listening to the same song on repeat can have the effect of making your brain dissolve into that song and consequently heighten your focus.
- According to a study by the Acoustical Society of America, the sound of a flowing mountain stream significantly increased workers’ mood and productivity.
- According to a study published in Frontiers in Psychology, listening to high-tempo music enhanced athletic performance and could also translate to a boost in productivity
- In March this year, Spotify surveyed 4,000 adults to research how music impacts focus and productivity. 69% of respondents said ambient or chill music is best for their work/study, with 67% indicating ‘slower’ beats are key for their focus sessions.
2. Identify your productivity highs and lows.
Everybody has times when they are more productive than others. It’s key to identify these times and then plan your work around them.
For instance, if you’re more productive in the morning, then that’s when you should be prioritizing your most important tasks and then scheduling the less important work in the afternoon.
3. Make the task smaller.
In their book, Switch, Chip and Dan Heath explain, “If people are facing a daunting task, and their instinct is to avoid it, you’ve got to break down the task. Shrink the change. Make the change small enough that you can’t help but score a victory.”
Brain Tracy has similarly said,
“Any goal can be achieved if you break it down into enough small parts.”
Breaking down challenging tasks into smaller chunks can help make them feel closer to achievement and give you more optimism about completing them, even if you’ve been avoiding them for some time.
4. Focus on meaningful work.
A handful of studies indicate that those who find meaning in their work are more motivated, engaged, empowered, and have greater career fulfillment and job satisfaction.
According to John Rampton, there is no one formula for meaningful work. But, it may include the following:
- Allows you to use your skills and talents.
- Makes you feel like you’re a part of something bigger.
- Makes you feel like your contributions actually mean something.
- Gives you the feeling of having a work-life balance and ownership.
6. Get your body moving.
With the connection of your body and mind, it can be very difficult to have the energy and stamina to make it through a full day of work if your body hasn’t been in motion.
Do anything from walking, stretching at your desk or playing with your kids or dog to get active and stay alert.